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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Evaluate Link Quality for Website

If you looking job in Link building so keep in mind before taking link for your websites, how you evaluate the link quality. If you are not aware the link quality…your hard work is not going to give any beneficial to your website although it harms to your website like spamming.
I try to summarize the link quality in my SEO Guide Blog so always remember before taking link from any website.
    1. Please always make thematic link.
    2. It’s not a single day work so keep going on.
    3. Make a less but high PR Link.
    4. Take link from less OBL page (Approx less then 30).
    5. On which page you are going to take link should be cached.
    6. Take a Link form Older site (Domain age).
    7.  Link should be in the content not in sidebar or footer.
    8.  If you are going to take a link please check, it’s IP Address (Server IP Address) where the website hosted.
    9.  Not take a too much link from same IP address.
    10. 10. Please check your back link regularly. So that no one can delete your back link.

I try to include all my good points here but it is possible I ignored some points or I forgot to include here. So please give your time to comment on it with your valuable points. I am looking for it.


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SEO Agency said...

Great post! It's important to consider the content design when it comes to SEO. Your content design tells a lot about your company, it tells visitors who you are, what you do and why you do it. Your content should let visitors know your company personality and why you are different from your competitors.

Wordpress Development said...

Your right! Link building should be quality over quantity. Link building can really help your site gain ranks from search engines, but it's important that it should be done properly and professionally to avoid getting trouble from SE's.

Samual said...
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outsouce SEO said...

This could not be written any far more better. This is one of those things that a starting company forget. How long their customers will stay. If your company is not performing well to the needs of the customers, due to low quality of links. The whole campaign effort will be wasted. That is why it is necessary to have a well structured business plan and management in one company, specifically in SEO.

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It is great to read some of the information and feedback, here. I hope to read more ideas in the future!!!

SEO company Singapore said...

I did not quite understand by what do you refer to through link quality?

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